Rachel's Marathon Blog

Tackling the first marathon...

Monday, January 03, 2005

peanut butter smoothie

I am completely enamored with this recipe for a chocolate-peanut butter smoothie, which is delicious. I believe is intended to replace a meal for the Zone diet, but runners can use it for a power-protein boost that tastes great. I'm all about protein and carbs this week for my taper:

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Smoothie
1 cup 1% milk
2.5 T cocoa powder, unsweetened
2/5 Tblsp fructose (I used 6 packets Splenda, but you should sweeten to taste)
1 3/4 Tblsp peanut butter (any kind will do)
27 g. whey protein powder (1 scoop whey-- preferably natural flavor rather than vanilla)
2 cups crushed ice (Recipe calls for one cup, but I find this does not make it frothy enough)

Combine all ingredients in blender and process until smooth. Mmmm....


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