Rachel's Marathon Blog

Tackling the first marathon...

Monday, January 17, 2005

running book recommendations

Time for a new running book to devour... I can feel myself longing for a new perspective on running.

But which to order? Chi running? Running injury free? Glover's The Competitive Runner's Handbook?

Some recent purchases of my own: I loved Bob Glover's The Runner's Handbook, which was like an encyclopedia to answer all my questions about marathon training. First Marathons was nice, but the stories started to blend into one another after awhile, and it seemed like too many of the "first marathoners" were "average" people who mostly ran their first marathons in superhuman times. ("There I was, overweight, addicted to cigarettes, never exercised since high school gym class. Six months later, I crossed the finish line-- a Boston qualifying time of 3:37!") I picked up Hal Higdon's Run Fast at the Disney Expo, which will be useful as I work on my speed, but I'm looking for something more.

So what's your favorite book on running? Any suggestions?


At 8:58 PM, Blogger Jon (was) in Michigan said...

I read ChiRunning and Higdon's books "Marathon A to Z" and "Marathon: the ultimate training guide". You might find the A to Z funny, but since you've run a marathon already and gone through the training once, the Marathon Guide may not be so useful now.

I'm hoping to pick up Paula Radcliffe's book soon.

At 10:44 PM, Blogger David said...

I'm sorry I'm not a reader. I'm a runner. I do devour Runner's World but otherwise it's a personal coaching experience for me.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger April Anne said...

I would recommend The Complete Book of Running for Women by C. Kowalchik. It’s the only running book I have ever read cover to cover, so I can’t compare it to other running books, but I thought it was great. I wrote a post about the book on August 20th that you may want to check out. Let us know if you find a good one! Good Luck!

At 6:36 PM, Blogger JackTX said...

The Lore of Running by Tim Noakes is very good.

I was looking up Achilles tendon information and found your site. I noticed that you had some Achilles tendon soreness before you ran the marathon, but didn't seem to have it aftwerwards. I am happy that you no longer have it, but wonder what you attribute that success to?

I am also a runner and have been looking up Achilles tendon information on the web. The best site I have found is www.AchillesTendon.com You might want to look at the prevention of Achilles tendon injuries page to remain in your happy no-Achilles-tendon-soreness situation.



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