Rachel's Marathon Blog

Tackling the first marathon...

Monday, September 19, 2005

still hibernating...

I am taking a break from blogging about running... because running without IT band problems has become a problem lately. Since I came back from six weeks overseas, I thought that a nice break would help, and I eased into it again, first running one mile, then two, then up to three, but as soon as I start increasing the mileage (no more than 10% a week, believe me), the illiotibial pain comes back. So I'm doing a lot of cross training right now and keeping the mileage very, very low. Hopefully if I build up my strength again the IT problems will eventually go away.

Running is also hard for me in the summer. I'm a wimp. It's still the hot season down here in Florida, with plus 90 degree temps every day and no relief in sight except that provided by the slightly cooler weather that seems to come with hurricanes. And there, slightly cooler is relative-- we had a week of temps in the mid-80s with Ophelia, which dumped a little rain on us but not much else.

Until I start to feel like a runner again, I'm lurking on other RBF blogs and occasionally commenting... but if you like food, check out my other site at:



At 9:45 PM, Blogger David said...

Good to see you back again. ITB is only about muscle weakness. You can overcome that. We hope to see/read more soon.

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Jon (was) in Michigan said...

Work on those abductors, Rachel, and you'll be back in form again real soon.

Note to everyone else: If you are trying not to make a complete pig of yourself by eating everything in your house at night, DO NOT look at aninvitationtothebarbecue! OMG. The food. Torture. I have to go eat lunch now. Why the heck isn't Rebecca making my lunches? Snif.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Mia Goddess said...

Good to see you back Rachel, if only temporarily! It's hard to get back, this I sympathize with...

I followed a link from a comment you made and found your food site. Thank god I'm a lousy cook, because even though it looks delicious, it's way out of my league to make any of it!


At 2:06 PM, Blogger Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Hope the ITB problem goes away soon. And welcome back.

At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am sorry to hear that you have ITB problems. When I was in high school, I developed shin splints and it has stayed with me ever since. I took off a year of running and now I am running again for my English project. For me, training to run a marathon has been a difficult and time consuming thing. What makes it harder to train is that the weather over here is just the opposite as it is in Florida. The temperature in Indiana can be 40 degrees one day and the next day it can be 15 degrees. When I would go out on my runs, I would have to wear a sweatshirt, a hat, and gloves. One of my days I ran indoors to run part of my workout and I personally did not like it because it was too hot and I did not like running in the same direction. What has made things more difficult is that my shin pains are slowly coming back which slows my runs down. I would encourage you to continue to run and if running outdoors is just too much, then I would try running indoors. I personally do not like when it is really hot or really cold outside but sometimes you have to adapt to the environment and do the best you can.

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Nice blog! keep it up!
HAve a happy running always!

Laura mizuno running shoes


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