Rachel's Marathon Blog

Tackling the first marathon...

Saturday, April 09, 2005

illiotibial band syndrome

Blogger keeps eating my posts... and refusing to let me comment on other people's posts. Anyone else have this problem?

I went out this morning intending to go for an 8 or 9 mile run. The weather was beautiful-- sunny, but not too hot. Lots of stress lately has kept me really looking forward to my runs. At mile 5, the side of my knee started to ache-- a telltale sign that the IT band was acting up. By mile 6.3 I had to stop running completely. Where did this come from? I thought it was all healed up. I'd dropped back drastically on the mileage, cross-trained a lot, and even had a 7 mile run last Saturday that didn't hurt at all. The IT band hasn't really bothered me in weeks. The only differences this week were a kickboxing class and a tiny bit of speedwork. Could that have aggravated it?

The IT band cast a cloud over the rest of my day. I had to spend a few hours at work-- attending a ceremony for the "installation" our college's new president. (National presidents get inaugurated; college presidents get installed like new washing machines.) Standing up in sandals with a slight heel for thirty minutes, I started to feel it again. Maybe I should have kept up with the strengthening exercises, but they're just so time consuming. Injury is disheartening, especially since I never used to have problems until marathon training. What to do, what to do?


At 6:45 PM, Blogger David said...

Re: Installation - Ate a pastry and took off, huh? I was looking for you but obviously missed out. Quite an address from Dr. "Washing Machine" Duncan.
I'm going to put my money on the kickboxing as the root of your latest ITB woes. That takes some moves that rely on steady strong muscle groups. If you strained them then ran I am guessing that's what did it.
Ice it and write me in the morning. Oops - I'm going to the beach tomorrow. I want to do some barefoot running.

At 10:42 PM, Blogger April Anne said...

I just came from Bill's blog and he complained of the same thing. I'm not sure what is up with blogger these days. http://runmystic.jankowskis.net/

At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had the same problem trying to comment on Blogger sites lately. At any rate, sorry to hear about you ITB problems. I do think exercises (which you are probably doing) and stretches will help. I have found that warming up longer than I think is necessary and long stretches after have helped my injuries. Good luck Rachel!

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ITBS is not something you ignore and hope it goes away. Do your stretches! I have also had friends claim that cycling helps strengthen the other upper leg muscles and can alleviate ITB tightness. Also, rolling your ITB on a soccer ball or firm foamy roller can really help loosen it up (this can be painful, like deep massage, but I'm told it really works).


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