Rachel's Marathon Blog

Tackling the first marathon...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Elliptical Trainer

I decided not to run at all until this weekend, following David's example of taking a break. So just one little 2.8 mile run this week to give my muscles some rest. Instead, I did the elliptical trainer at the gym for the first time. I have never gotten on that machine before. I think I was scared of it-- like it might take off without me and I would go flying through the air. That did not happen, but I was surprised at how difficult it was. Not difficult coordination-wise, but just arduous. From among choices like "Forest Trail" and "Mountain Pass," I chose "Fat Burner-- 20 minutes." My heart rate went up immediately and I actually had a hard time completing 20 minutes. What's up with that? How is it that I can run for two hours straight and my heart rate stays pretty steady, but yet I do twenty minutes on this machine and feel like I'm slogging through two feet of mud? I did feel like I got a great workout, though. I was drenched with sweat. I lifted some weights and did my IT-band exercises, so that was that. I felt no pain anywhere-- is the elliptical trainer a good machine for cross-training purposes? Is it going to do any damage somehow?

Tomorrow, pilates. Diversify, diversify!

We're having the last gasps of a Florida winter here-- rainy and in the 40s, the coldest it ever gets, when most of the time it's in the 70s. I love the weather in the winter here, but I actually find myself craving cold and rainy days now, so I'm pretty happy. It will be a good night to go home and immediately don pajamas.


At 8:23 PM, Blogger brent said...

i'm with you in terms of that elliptical. i have mad respect for people that sweat it up on those things. its so low impact it doesn't seem like it should be a workout but its tough! i don't even want to think about trying one with arms, i can hardly handle the non-arm ones.

At 10:32 PM, Blogger April Anne said...

I prefer using the elliptical at the gym because the time goes by faster compared to the treadmill. I haven’t noticed any pains/problems from using it, but I don’t use it often so I can’t give you a “creditable” answer.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger David said...

Maybe Carlos wore you out and there was nothing left for the ellipitcal.
My slacker time is coming to an end. I will run again tomorrow. Curses.


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