Rachel's Marathon Blog

Tackling the first marathon...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

health fairs and rain

I didn't go for my usual run in the morning because I was fasting for a cholesterol test at our university health fair. I was alarmed back in October when I donated blood and saw the cholesterol was already at 200. Here I am, thirty years old and fairly thin, but high cholesterol runs in the family. I was eating OK, but with the marathon training I started being more careful-- cutting out the occasional binges at McDonald's, which were probably happening too frequently. (Especially after going through a couple hurricanes, when our power would go out for days and everything in the fridge went bad, the one restaurant in Orlando that would have power was Mickey D's... it ran on the same generator as the local hospital.) So, no more junk. I rarely eat chips or junky snack foods, I try to avoid processed food at home, and I never, ever drink soft drinks, so really my junky weaknesses are for take-out Chinese, pizza, cheeseburgers, and any appetizer platter involving buffalo wings and fried cheese things... Mmm.

Cholesterol was down to 193. Woo-hoo! Felt like celebrating. I wanted to go for a run but there was too much to do at work. I came home and went running near my house just before dark. Running in my neighborhood is the worst. In New York, I didn't mind running in an urban setting, but there's something about running alongside suburban strip mall boulevards that is incredibly depressing. Mixed smells of car exhaust and fast food burger fumes. I took a road less traveled that also did not have sidewalks-- it was raining and my feet got all mucked up. I still managed to feel pretty good doing four miles.

I also tossed my name in the hat for the New York Marathon-- the lottery, at any rate. I think I was on that website the minute they posted the application. I must be crazy.


At 9:48 PM, Blogger David said...

New York Marathon!?! You are a go getter. I hope you make it. What a challenge and thrill that would be.
I like your dietary adjustments. I feel for you having to do that at 30. Maybe if I had changed my bad habits when I was 30 my cholesterol wouldn't be somewhere in the 220-230 zone. I refuse to take the meds (for now). They make me heavier and slower. I want to run. I have to beat Jon's PR times!
Those roads less travelled are the best. Have you tried the Orlando Runner's Club routes through the Vias?
Ready for Sunday? You don't sound concerned about the half. Are you ready?

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Jon (was) in Michigan said...

Good luck in the lottery, Rachel. Not crazy at all. :)

And good job knocking down the cholesterol! Adding those unsaturated fats to your diet can help too. I got lucky on cholesterol (genetics) and have had numbers below 120 so far. Heart disease runs in my family though, so I try to watch it closely, especially the HDL/LDL ratio.

At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In general::
After living 10 yrs all over Florida, .... you have to really hunt sometimes for great running spots. I used in live in north Orlando, and a loved speeding over to Daytona Beach--- parking right on the beach and running. It is flat, hard packed and relatively level
(no camber) that makes it a joy.
YOu can do plenty of people watching. It is not a deserted beach by any stretch of the imagination, but you can get in some great long runs here.

Your cholesterol:
make sure you always do a good 10 to 12 hour fast. Only water and black coffee. Your numbers will be much higher if you try a 6 hr fast or sneak in some chow before your blood draw.
(I am a clinical lab technologist)

Cool Blog. Keep up the good work!!

Ann in Colorado


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