Rachel's Marathon Blog

Tackling the first marathon...

Saturday, September 24, 2005

runner's world

Okay, so maybe I will post just a little bit, even if I'm not quite back up to form yet. Like I said, lots of cross training, not a whole lot of running. I decided I'm going to try to ease the running back in and if I feel any IT band issues, I'm going to meet up with the university trainer where I work, as per David's suggestion. Maybe now that I'm doing lots of cross training classes-- strength, abs, pilates, etc-- those will help build up those muscles that cause problems with the IT band.

Here was my dilemma yesterday: I had decided I would run 4 miles between my house and the university, then shower and meet some friends at five for drinks and a movie. But we were still getting intermittent rain bands from Rita (that storm is HUGE!), and it was also 90 degrees, so I decided to drive to the university. I had left my gym bag in my husband's car, so after picking that up I only had thirty minutes to do a workout. It was pouring rain and there was an empty treadmill in the gym.

I really wanted to run. The iPod was charged and a playlist was ready with some reggaeton and songs by Shakira and M.I.A., this new Sri Lankan-hip-hop sensation from Britain. In the old days I would have done a hard three miles with a few hills thrown in, followed by a few sit ups, then off to the showers and to meet my friends. But I'm trying to make different choices now because I realize how fragile some of these injuries are-- they just come out of nowhere and sideline you completely. So I did two miles, followed by ten minutes of stretching and strength work. Boring as hell, but I think this is what I have to do. After last January's marathon, gone are the days when I could just tear out for a run without stretching much and have no problems.

So, if you have thirty minutes only to exercise, don't fill it just with running-- it might save you in the long run to do the stretches and strength work as well...

Monday, September 19, 2005

still hibernating...

I am taking a break from blogging about running... because running without IT band problems has become a problem lately. Since I came back from six weeks overseas, I thought that a nice break would help, and I eased into it again, first running one mile, then two, then up to three, but as soon as I start increasing the mileage (no more than 10% a week, believe me), the illiotibial pain comes back. So I'm doing a lot of cross training right now and keeping the mileage very, very low. Hopefully if I build up my strength again the IT problems will eventually go away.

Running is also hard for me in the summer. I'm a wimp. It's still the hot season down here in Florida, with plus 90 degree temps every day and no relief in sight except that provided by the slightly cooler weather that seems to come with hurricanes. And there, slightly cooler is relative-- we had a week of temps in the mid-80s with Ophelia, which dumped a little rain on us but not much else.

Until I start to feel like a runner again, I'm lurking on other RBF blogs and occasionally commenting... but if you like food, check out my other site at:
